Author: Ryno /

pics coming today...

here are some pics from our latest adventures...they include, a cute pic of our sweet little friend Tyler, playing @ a ritzy little country club, Baxter nosing through the trash, our new terrified kitty Camie, and the winter Blast!!!!! that hit San Antonio recently...and Jack

Sad Night for Ryan...

Author: Ryno /

well another one of my best friends is leaving...last night we played one more worship set with Josh Lee, and I'm sad, but thrilled that he's venturing off to new things...Josh is moving to Jacksonville Florida with his wife, and he's gonna hold it down on the east coast...

may Christ lead, and you you much brother, I'm gonna miss you sorely...

much love, respect, and music,


ps--- Passion 05 ;)

Currently Listening:
David Crowder Band
Open Skies